====== Jeffrey Bergamini Assignment Portfolio ====== This site serves to demonstrate some of the programming assignments in my courses this academic year (2022–2023). Please have a look! * [[cs20pf22as13|Path Finding]] — Searching a road network for shortest paths (Python) * [[cs20ps23as08|Longest Grid Word]] — Recursively finding the longest word in a grid (Python) * [[cs20pf22as03|IPA Pronunciation]] — Translating words to their international phonetic alphabet pronunciation (Python) * [[cs20pf22as05|Poker Hand]] — Modeling poker hands as objects (Python) * [[cs20pf22as08|Recursive Fractal Generation]] — Using recursion to generate a fractal image (Python) * [[cs20pf22as11|Implementing a Hash Table]] — Replicating part of Python's ''set''/''dict'' data type * [[cs20pf22as14|A Wordle Guesser!]] — Communicating with a web service and writing an automated Wordle solver/guesser (Python) * [[cs20ps23as03|n-grams!]] — Decomposing text to word n-grams and compiling some basic statistics about them (Python) * [[cs20ps23as04|Scrabble® Generators]] — Using the game of Scrabble® as context for writing generator functions and using generator expressions in Python * [[cs20ps23as05|Circle World Game Actor]] — A simple demonstration of modeling an actor in a game world (Python) * [[cs20ps23as07|Pursuing an Efficient Word Search]] — Solving word searches with computational complexity in mind (Python) * [[cs19f22as05|Leveraging the STL to Estimate English Text Readability]] — Assessing text for estimated age/education required to read it (C++) * [[cs19f22as07|Protein Bioinformatics]] — Modeling proteins as objects (C++) * [[cs19f22as08|Graphing a PCM Waveform]] — Working with explicitly binary data (PCM waveforms and pixels) (C++) * [[cs19f22as10|Recursion Regarding Recurrence Relations]] — Using recursion to demonstrate the characteristics of some recurrent mathematical sequences (C++) * [[cs19s23as05|Rhyming Dictionary]] — Using a pronunciation dataset to implement a rhyming dictionary (C++) * [[cs19s23as07|HSV Color Class]] — Modeling HSV colors as objects convertible to RGB (C++) * [[cs19s23as08|Bitmap Image Modification]] — Using knowledge of the BMP file format to apply some fundamental image filters (C++) * [[cs20ps23as10|Profiling via Decoration]] — Implementing a function-call profiler via decorator (Python) * [[cs12ps23as12|Generator Functions and Infinite Sequences]] — Writing generator functions to demonstrate the characteristics of some recurrent mathematical sequences (Python)