Jeffrey Bergamini — Computer Science

Jeffrey Bergamini @ Cabrillo College Computer Science

Temporary Announcement(s):

FYI, all students on waitlists have been given Add Authorizations, so if you are on a waitlist, please go ahead and register for the course when you get a chance.

From Kate Rosenbloom (CS 12P tutor): available this week at the STEM center on Thursday 2-4 for tutoring and help with assignments. Also other times by arrangement — at STEM center or online.

Jeffrey Bergamini: Curriculum Vitae


Partial PhD Program, Computer Science
University of California, Davis, CA

M.S. with Distinction, Computer Science, 2006
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA

B.S., Computer Science, 2003
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA

A.A., Spanish, 2015
Cabrillo College, Aptos, CA

Teaching Experience

Tenured Faculty: Computer Science Department, Cabrillo College, 2013–present

  • Introduction to Programming Concepts and Methodology, Java (CS 12J): First-semester transfer-level programming in Java
  • Python Introductory Programming Concepts and Methodology (CS 12P): First-semester transfer-level programming in Python
  • C++ Programming (CS 19): Intermediate-level C++ programming
  • Python Programming and Abstractions (CS 20P): Intermediate/advanced topics and basic data structures in Python
  • Discrete Mathematics (/(CS|MATH) 23/): Mathematical underpinnings of computer science (and associated computation)
  • Technology Tools (CS 1L): Useful software tools for CS students
  • Introduction to Internet Programming (CIS 32): JavaScript and related applications
  • Introduction to Programming Database-Driven Websites With PHP (CIS 33): Building and deploying database-backed web applications
  • Intermediate Programming (CMPS 11): Second-quarter programming in Java; preparation for data structures
  • Programming Abstractions (CSE 30): Intermediate/advanced topics and basic data structures in Python

Full-Time Faculty: Computer Science Department, Mendocino College, 2010–2013

  • All curriculum development and administrative duties
  • Programming and Algorithms I (CSC 221): First-semester transfer-level programming
  • Programming and Algorithms II (CSC 222): Second-semester transfer-level programming; data structures
  • Computer Organization and Architecture (CSC 210): Computational digital hardware, assembly language (x86-64), compiler constructs
  • Introduction to Computer Science (CSC 220): Survey of the field and computer systems in general
  • Web Application Development (CSC 134): Building and deploying database-backed web applications
  • Introduction to Unix I and II (/CSC 10[56]/): Configuration and usage of Unix-based systems; shells; service hosting
  • C and Unix (CSC 234): C programming language and Unix environment
  • Computers and Society (CSC 302): Social, ethical, political and technological implications and effects
  • Computer Science Orientation (CSC 100): Introduction to the computer science discipline for majors
  • Engineering Orientation (ENGR 141): College success skills for MESA Engineering Program students
  • Computers and Computer Applications (CSC 110): The computer as a problem-solving tool

Publications and Reviews

Research Experience

  • Advisor: Dr. Michael Gertz
  • Worked on problems related to the NSF-funded Coast-to-Mountain Transect project at UC Davis. Wrote various Python programs for processing geospatial data (mainly satellite images) and publishing them via web services.

Graduate Assistant, Computer Science Department, California Polytechnic State University, 2005–2006

  • Advisor: Dr. Michael Haungs
  • Integration and availability of massive geospatial datasets for educational use.
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